
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day(s)

I knew all that bragging about how beautiful it was this weekend would catch up to me. Day 1 of snow days was a blast. We all had off, including Justin. We could hear the sleet coming all night and tapping blasting our windows with winds that could rival a soundtrack out of a horror movie.

And when we awoke, the blinds were opened and little squeals echoed throughout the house.

My appreciation for moms who live in regions of the frozen Tundra has grown ten fold. It took literally 30 minutes to get everyone dressed and we didn't even care about coordinating. Campbell especially looked like the Michelin Man almost unable to bend his arms.

Justin who is undeniably way more fun than me and a lover of all things cold, took them outside and I let him while I watched from the window unable to wipe the smile off my face. And I wasn't the only one.

Who needs sleds when you have a frozen slide?


And I'm not sure if it was all the layers, his low center of gravity, or his super bubble bottom but that boy had some serious air at the bottom of the slide.

There wasn't a ton of snow but that didn't stop Nolan from making a snow angel. 

Or the inevitable snowball fights that were bound to happen.

It was shortly after this that green snot was pouring out of Cam's nose and that's when I refereed from the window that play time was over for him at least.

And so my two oldest boys played some more while once again I watched them and took pictures from the comfort of my jammies.


Awww, I remember how fun Snow Day #1 was. Those were the days. We're now on Day #3 (possibly Day #4 tomorrow) of being cooped up and it's not nearly as fun with my husband at work. But we're making the most of it.

 This cartoon couldn't say it better...


  1. Love the cartoon! We were dangerously close to the on-the-floor-drooling before finally leaving the house for some sledding at the neighborhood park. We SO needed some fresh air :)


  2. Hi Andrea!

    I am your newest follower, Yomaida. I am a mommy of two and live in the Dallas,Fort Worth area & I am a teacher too. I found you on bloggy moms. Your blog is precious. I share your passion of photography, family, friends & faith. I would love for you to pop by and check out my blog. :)

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