
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stock Show

If you give a girl a pair of cowboy boots, she's going to want to try them out. And there's no better place to truly break in a pair of boots than the Fort Worth Stock Show.

Every year in Fort Worth we have the Stock Show and this year we just knew we had to make it. With Campbell's love affair with all farm living things and his fascination with cowboys we knew he would love it.

So we dressed the part and did our best to act like we're Texans fresh off the farm. Which if you really know us is absolutely hilarious to think of us as country folk. But you know what they say, when in Rome...


As we waited for Justin to park the car (because we forgot the stroller), we had a rootin' tootin' time having a snack. Nolan was completely cracking me up when he kept looking at his sheriff badge on his hat.


As we waited I told Nolan to give me his best Cowboy lean against the wall. This is what I got. He's our city boy. However, Campbell has that cowboy gene and tipped his hat and got all kinds of "awwws" from passerbys.

And just like we thought, we saw beautiful horses, stinky cows...

The cutest little chicks and ducklings that you ever did see...

The boys absolutely loved it. It was such a beautiful day all the way around.

Even if the lighting was terrible in the building where the horse were I had to do my best to capture the boys.

As I sat back and watched my boys click their boots and point to every living creature, I loved that they loved it. Although my sister lives on over 25 acres, country living is not part of our daily life. But I can see why it would be a calling to some.

Especially because cowboys are so stinkin' cute.

It wouldn't be a true carnival without some rides. You know those kind of rides that look like, Please God, I pray that these are safe. They also fall into the realm of, Here quick, come straight here for a squirt of Purell.


Our smallest cowboy couldn't ride all the rides but even then he loved watching his big brother cowboy saddle up and ride some.

 Campbell also had his first port-a-potty experience. Yikes. You know it's bad when a 2 year old says, "It's stinky Daddy!"

Despite all the smells, it was a fun time had by all and the boys think we should go back everyday.


  1. These photos are fantastic! What kind of camera do you use?

  2. Love how dressed up the boys were for the day! We kind of went last minute so we didn't get to dress up any :(
    Looks like yall had a blast!!
