
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cabin Fever

What do you do to pass time and survive after four long days stuck inside because of the snow ice?

You watch movies. And yes, I was well past the pediatrician recommended two hours of television viewing. Don't judge. I was in survival mode. At least I was creative enough to pitch the tent in the living room to shake things up a bit.

First hour: You play with toys. And make the biggest mess you know how to make.

Second hour: You dress up like a cowboy or wear the most rag tag outfit you can find.

Third hour: You sort your animals by size.


Fourth hour: You get bored with that so you make out with horses.

Fifth hour: You scrapbook because even if it's looking at them in pictures, it might be your only adult interaction for the day.

So now that you're convinced at what a slob I was! You worry about cleaning up the bomb that went off in your house another day that involves sunshine.

The only thing left to do? Get out in that snow and make the most of it. And yes it took another 30 minutes to get everyone dressed in layers but at this point, I just had to make sure that outside really existed.

And boy did outside


It wasn't long (about three minutes to be exact) when hands were already frozen over.


And I heard in probably the worst timing since beginning potty training, "I gotta got pee pee, Mommy."All that work for three minutes of snow play? You've gotta be kidding. Nope, he wasn't. So I ran inside and took him to the bathroom and Campbell already had enough snow time. Nolan was still playing in it when I came back but after having to strip Campbell down and throw all his clothes in the tub, he had enough of the snow too.

After a couple of my not so fine motherhood moments, I convinced Nolan that after all that work I wanted at least a couple of photos of him. I did manage to sneak a few more in before he was thoroughly over the snow.

And guess who's having another snow day today? You'd think we live in Minnesota or something!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love the way snow looks in pictures?! So pretty... plus it doesn't hurt that you have totally cute little boys! :)
