
Friday, July 16, 2010

All-American 4th

I don't know what it is but when I see holiday items in the store I get this excitement in me like a kid in a candy store. I'm a sucker for holidays. I think it's because I love color so much and seeing all that color just gets me all warm and fuzzy. Fall could be months away but seeing that orange, brown, and yellow just makes me yearn for cooler weather, football games, and yellow and orange trees.

It's doesn't matter what holiday it is, but I have to refrain myself from buying ridiculous amounts of decorations that I probably won't ever use.

Don't even get me started on Christmas.

So once I settle my hyper-hypo holiday self down, I allow myself to buy a few staples. Then I get my little holiday fix and Justin isn't annoyed by all the holiday "junk". This year? I kept it simple with some 4th of July shirts. 

 This is why God gave me boys because I might just have to be put on Ritalin if I had a girl with all the holiday attire.

And the 4th just wouldn't feel like the 4th without some pool time and grilling out.  It felt like a rain cloud literally followed us around on our 8 state road trip but I had a pretty stern talk with Mr. Weather and told him to give us a break...and it looks like he did even if for just a little bit.

There were some major calories being burned in that pool.

And plenty of boo boos kissed.

Let's say that those kids crashed hard during nap time. It gave me that extra time to prepare the cupcakes. Energy was quickly revived and there was plenty of time to be silly…

You know you've stuffed in as much fun as you possibly can in one day when the kids can't even stay up to watch fireworks. But I would say that's a good thing with the our recent firework encounters. So the grown ups just watched them off the deck of the lake house. Beats last year and waiting in a parking lot way too late and never seeing them after a baseball game went into extra innings.

And once again, this is why I love holidays. Looks like my obsession with them won't stop anytime soon.