
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Family Vacation

All year you yearn for the summer getaway where you can get away from schedules, your home, your familiarity with just your family. Growing up we never went on trips much. My parents just couldn't afford it. I want our kids to have that experience and those memories of traveling. I figure one of these days, traveling will finally become easier. Although this time, it was worlds better than anything we've ever experienced before, especially with our luck of traveling.

The plan this year was to meet Justin's side of the family in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Then this tiny little thing called a massive oil spill happened and there went that idea. Bummer. So Plan B was to meet in Missouri for a lake trip. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised that it was great.

For any of you living in the central part of the US, you know how much rain we got the first week or two of July. Thankful for the rain but was seriously feeling like I lived in Seattle with all the rain. We loaded up the boys and road tripped it to Oklahoma. You know it's a bad sign when you leave your house for a 9 hour trip and it looks like a monsoon and you're already stuck in traffic. The boys (thank goodness) were fabulous (compliments of the handy dandy DVD player) and the only stress was the downpour and getting lost in Oklahoma for an hour.

Justin's brother and sister-in-law have two girls and they are so close in age with our boys. There were hours of swimming, coloring, baking, cooking and playing Wii in the "wee" hours of the night had by all. I love this quality family time that we get to have and with our extended family.


 My mother-in-law, Julie and my sister-in-law, Melissa

I love how we all just pick up right where we left off even if we live over 900 miles away from each other.