I never knew that Tinkertoys could keep my children entertained for so long. I might have to put that one on a birthday/Christmas list. Usually toys with a million different parts drive me crazy, but if it keeps them that entertained it might be worth it!
Can I just tell you how happy I am already that we spent the money on the family pass? We've already used it three times since Spring Break. I think it's going to be a lifesaver on those hot summer days where I need something to do. I highly recommend it...pays for itself in two visits.
Here's the birthday crew.
Campbell got a chance to go shopping for some food. I don't know what it is but I find irresistibly cute when little ones act like grown ups...cooking, shopping, dressing like grown ups (like the boys dressing up in suits for Easter...they looked like they were going on a business trip). So during his grocery trip, I just couldn't help but have a smile on my face seeing him put fish, cheese, bagels and checking himself out at the register. Am I the only one who finds this irresistible?
This one is my favorite...I mean seriously how cute is it that they just look like miniature grown ups?!
I think the other kid in that last picture is wearing a wig like a grown-up. That's some thick hair! hahahaha! Also, please do tell how you did the "you might also like" links at the bottom of your post. I want to do that too!