
Monday, January 3, 2011

2010: A year in review

2010 was definitely a year to remember. There were some highs and definitely some lows but one thing I can say for sure is that overall my feelings about being abundantly blessed are only more solidified.

Here's a recap of the highlights that really give a true picture of our 2010.

We're still talking about our 13" snow back in February. This is definitely in my top 10 family moments of 2010 for our family.


Some of us were not a fan though...

And who remembers the blood, sweat,  and tears that went into these cupcakes for Nolan's Valentine's Day party?

And I'm still a sucker for love...


March was a time to thaw out our feet and get good use out of our backyard.

Nevermind if the only flowers in our yards were weeds.


I will make my family suffer through bluebonnet pictures as long as they will allow. Although this year there was hardly any suffering.


When you're a mother, you have this dream in your head of what your want your childrens' relationship to be with one another. And this photo could not more perfectly portray that for me.

 Easter was gloomy this year in Texas but only because of the weather.


Because the spring was full of smiles and silliness...

Mother's Day was spent celebrating our mom. I'm still so amazed at all she accomplished raising three kids as a single mom before my dad adopted me.

In May we took time to see our cowboy in his school performance and we did take time to smell the flowers and spend more quality time with the cousins.


Soon after that, summer started and it may not look like it, but fears were conquered.


Sports were played and sweat was poured. Not just by Nolan but by his parents watching in the Texas about being true fans.

We cooled off by going to pool school...better known as swimming lessons.

 Summer was filled with impromptu milkshake picnics.

We kept busy by making cookies for the firefighters in our neighborhood and we cherished our beloved lunches with daddy.


And just like that, my baby turned in 2 YEARS old!!! How did that happen?


Oh and there was eating....LOTS and lots of eating.


Suddenly our world was turned upside down in June when my 39 year old sister found a lump in her breast...a very-aggressive-Stage 4-how-could-you-do-this-to-us cancer. The next six months were filled with chemo, mastectomy, and now in January she will be undergoing reconstruction.

But how do we show cancer that it's just a word and not a sentence? By living life. Trips were taken to Lake Ozark, Missouri...a middle ground for family in Kentucky.

 Oh what the heck, while we're half way there why don't we take an 8 state road trip and go see more family in Kentucky.


And we didn't forget to touch the arch  in St. Louis.

We wouldn't be American if we didn't head to a baseball game at our minor league team here in town.
In Texas you need one thing to survive the summer:

1. air conditioning
2. WATER! Lots of it!

Even the dog needed to cool off. 

 This pool was the best $10 I've ever spent.

As summer came to an end, I started teaching at a new school and that meant a new school for the boys.


In September, my other baby turned 5. Yes, I am fully aware that kindergarten is less than a year away now. Stop talking about it!
And then my favorite time of year I really need to say it? Fall! I could just marry it.

It took a village to make these costumes, but they're my absolute favorite of any that we've had for either of the boys.

My girls trip to New York started November in the most beautiful way. Oh, I so wanna go back. I can't look at a movie the same or New Years in Time Square without thinking about being back there again. 

Have I mentioned that I love fall?
Christmas. I could seriously post 1,000 photos of Christmas but I won't torture you. Let's just say it was incredibly hard finding a few photos to wrap up our Christmas season. There was baking, letter writing to Santa, Polar Express...I could go on and on.


These pictures fill me with a mix of emotions. I feel so proud that we did so much with our family and have these photos to document years from now what we experienced this year. Then I see how much the boys have changed just from last January and I have this little flip out moment where I take back every time that I've ever said, "I can't wait til they grow out of this stage." Because truth be told, I don't want them to. 

But with these mix of emotions, my prayer is that this year will be filled with as much happiness, stories, photos and stories of forced family fun because it's part of who we are. 

Here's to another abundantly blessed year in 2011.

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