
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kentucky summer

I'm so out of order with my posts from this summer. But it reminds me how ADD I can be. 

After our pit stop in St. Louis, we packed up and keep on truckin'…a total of 8 hours that day. With kids, stops are inevitable. I'm thankful that we haven't attempted to potty train Campbell yet because that diaper saved us a lot more stops.

Our next pit stop was to see Justin's grandmother, Rosie, in Louisville. The exit to her house was literally on the road we were already on so it's would have been just plain rude of us not to stop if we were that close. It was good timing because once again, the boys needed a car break. And just like every time, she had treats and snacks ready for those boys. Their love for her grew even more.

Rosie is amazing. She's about to celebrate her 90th birthday in November and has more energy than I do. We video conference with her and she's up on the blog. She and my grandmother are some the hippest techie grandmothers I know!

Campbell played us a little diddy on the piano and then we headed out to our final stop…Lexington.

Justin and I had our anniversary night. We went and saw a movie and checked in to a historic hotel in downtown Lexington. We walked around downtown and had a delicious dinner. I mean a lick-my-plate-like-a-dog dinner but it was upscale so I refrained, but it took everything in me to do that.

Later when I was trying to fall sleep, I kept hearing a door slam over and over again. Then Justin casually mentions how the place is haunted. Awww, the romance.

Next, we had some catching up to do with the family. After what felt like 40 days and 40 nights of rain, we knew our boys had enough of being inside. So we parked our ark right by a park and let them run like crazy.

There was frisbee throwing, swinging, climbing, sliding, and see-sawin' to catch up on.

We even had time for adult conversation!

We weren't there but an hour, but I loved that time. Letting the boys be boys and be loud and rowdy, being with family and being outside without too much sweat. It really is the small things that we remember most.

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