
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pre-K graduation

I don't know what it is that Campbell always seems like a baby compared to Nolan. Even on the same birthdays, Campbell just seems younger than Nolan did. It's some messed up mind game that my brain plays on me.

Nolan is a September birthday and Campbell is a June birthday so Nolan was almost a whole year older than Campbell when going into kindergarten. It seemed like Nolan would never start kinder and with Campbell, it's hard to believe he's already starting.

Campbell is a total ham at home. He's sooooo deafening. Then when he's in a group of new people, he completely shuts down. His birthday is at the end of the month and he's already talking about how shy he gets when people sing "Happy Birthday" to him. He keeps asking if we can just eat cake and not sing to him.

So I was pretty nervous about his Pre-K graduation. I just knew that he'd bury his face in some teacher's leg or run off stage, but my baby proved me wrong...big time.

Check him out! I couldn't believe it myself!

He was up there, no fear, acting like it was just part of his normal routing to perform in front of 100 people.

He was even being his usual comedian self with his crazy facial expressions.

Look at how much he changed over the year. I'm a little nervous about this one starting kinder. I think I'll stay close to the phone just in case they call. He spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E! 

I think my brain might be playing tricks on me because forever this little guy will always be my baby boy. He's always been able to make me melt with those eyes and that sweet dimple. I turn into mush.

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