
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Circle of Life continues

Santa brought Nolan a bike without training wheels when he was 6. We rode it and I thought it would never happen but we finally got him to ride that thing a year later. It was just a couple of weeks ago that he could ride without one of us running right next to him.

I remember a particular photo in Justin's baby book as I was watching this proud father/son moment. I told Justin that it reminded me of the photo and I just had to grab my camera so I had it for Nolan's baby book one day.

They were both 7 when they really learned to ride a bike. The one on the left is Justin circa 1981 in Kentucky and Nolan now in 2013 in Texas. .

I think the only difference is that we didn't believe in helmets in 1981! I hadn't seen this photo in years, and honestly I was trying to just get the darn thing in focus. Lucky break that it was the same angle and that Justin and his dad are both sporting beards! Twilight zone. Welcome to my life every holiday when I'm with him, my father-in-law and brother-in-law in the same room at the same time. 


  1. I love this idea! What a lovely thing for Justin to have as a Dad and also for Nolan to have for when he is older.. xx

  2. Absolutely love these "twin" photos---also with dads holding toddler little sisters. Deja vu?? :)
