
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Happy 1st birthday to Landry!

Yes, you read that right. My baby girl, you know that one that I was pregnant with for ETERNITY in the blazing summer heat, she's one today. As in 12 months. Sorry I'm saying that more to convince myself than anything. Denial sums it up.

Seriously. It seems like it took forever for Nolan to turn one. I'm guessing it was the new parent thing. But Landry's first year of life has been the fastest of my entire life, hands down.

For the first time out of all my kids, I finally did what I said I was going to do and we had a family party. My best friend, Angi and my sister's best friend, Sheri, came too but they're pretty much considered family. And what kind of party do you throw for a bright and happy sweet baby girl? Well, a rainbow party, of course!

Before you go thinking that I'm so creative, stop. Really, it's all stolen ideas off Pinterest. Seriously, I love that thing. It takes all he brain power out of putting together a party.

I did make the rainbow subway art. Yes, I did something without completely relying on my graphic artist husband. Can you believe it? Even our food was rainbow themed...rainbow goldfish, fruity pebble treats, twizzler and marshmallow party favors, and a rainbow fruit tray.

I had these little rainbow leg warmers long before I knew I was going to do a rainbow party, so double rainbow score on that! 

I made the ribbon high chair decoration just from my stash because if you don't know me very well, then you must not know that I have a SLIGHT ribbon obsession that was only brought to "out of control" level once Landry came in the picture. It's all her fault ;)

As for the hat, I saw one on Etsy and since I'm the cheapest person on the planet, I attempted to make it because I refused to pay $20 for a party hat made out of paper. 

This is the point in the party where I thought we might need to have her DNA checked because she was a little Miss Priss about her smash cake. I like to live vicariously through my children at their first birthdays because I secretly wish that it was acceptable to eat my cupcake as an adult like most babies do.

A teacher at my school made both cakes for me and I think she needs to quit her day job. Seriously, it was this bright and so so good. I found myself sitting with the leftover cake eating it with a fork without cutting a piece. Don't judge.  

After we gave her a bath with rainbow colors floating all in the tub, it was time for presents!  Sister was spoiled with the cutest clothes and games that she can't stop playing with. My baby has a good excited.

She was even showing off her newly acquired walking skills. My one and only child actually taking steps at their first birthday! SLOW down, Landry!

We had so much fun at our family party and Landry hasn't quite yet learned that you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose.  It cracked me up that she was too Miss Priss for her messy cake but not so much for nose picking.

A HUGE thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law for cutting out water labels and streamers and helping so so much. Having a baby with a birthday during the first week of school made a really stressed mama, but it was a blast and made for some wonderful memories.


  1. Beautiful party! And that cake is AMAZING!!

    1. Thank you! I can't take credit for the cake! It was a friend!

  2. lol you are so funny (: I laugh cause I can relate to loving cake and being frugal with Etsy. I've only ever bought 1 thing from there. Such a cute party & Landry is just gorgeous (:
