
Saturday, July 28, 2012

A new journey

I wanted to share with you some exciting news. After a huge leap of faith and a big heart I am beginning my journey into photography. I have been asked by friends over the years to take pictures of their families and I just kept making excuses about how I wasn't good enough or didn't have the time. Well, time is an ongoing battle and there's no better time to get this thing going than in the summer with my teaching schedule.

I will admit that I do have so much to learn but I've discovered that most people aren't looking to spend $1,000 just to have a decent photo of their family in a frame. So as I'm beginning this journey, I'm terrified and thrilled all at the same time.

I've had the opportunity to build my portfolio with some recent photo shoots and I'm proud and excited that my weekends are filling up. Here are a few of my recent favorites.

I have no idea how I will handle it all once school starts but I just have to have faith that everything will work out as it should. Thankfully most people want sessions done on the weekends so I think I'll still be able to work it out.

My wonderfully talented husband created a logo for me and Rooted in Love photography was born.

I created a website so come take a look at Rooted in Love when you have a chance!


  1. Wow! That is exciting news! Good luck with the business :) xx

  2. OMGosh WOW!! Sooo excited for you! You take the most amazing pictures of your family so I know you will totally rock your own business! (: Best of luck to you!
    {I've been working on my portfolio this summer too!}

  3. Congratulations! I know that you will do a fantastic job!
