
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2 months

As you can see I'm a little late on posting her monthly pictures. I'll blame it on the sleep deprivation. I wonder how long I can use that excuse?!?

Today was Landry's 2 month checkup. At birth, she weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. (soooo close to that 8 lb mark) and was 19.25 in. She dipped down to 7 lbs and developed jaundice a week later...darn milk not coming in for five days.

*Random side note...just two days ago we noticed that all of our children were the exact same length at birth. Guess that my uterus only allows for 19.25" babies.

2 month stats:

Weight: 12 lbs. 4 oz. (90th percentile)
Height: 22.25" (75th percentile)
Head: 40.5 cm (90th percentile)

Everyone comments about how petite she is and that their babies were never that small but I beg to differ. I'm the one who sees her rolls unfold with every diaper change and these pictures show just how much she's changed in just two months!

I'm really proud of how much she's grown considering that we've been through jaundice when she was 1 week and that horrible case of mastitis at 5 weeks all of which really made me want to quit breastfeeding because it was so hard.

I go back to work in 3.5 weeks and the punch in the gut gets more noticeable every day that it gets closer. We'll see how long I last nursing. With the boys, once I went to work and started pumping, my supply slowly diminished.

I'm so thankful for everyday that I have home with her and wish that I could spend more with her. I'm thankful that I go back to work for two weeks then get another two weeks off for Christmas break and only another 6 months before I'm off again for 10 weeks.

It's not the same as staying home with her every day but it sure is a lot better than going back with no breaks at all.

I'm cherishing every single second.

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