
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nolan's 6th Lego party

Something really really bad has happened. I mean really bad. I've had friends tell me over and over again that I need to check out Pinterest. First of all, I wasn't even sure how to say it. How was I going to find time to add something between being a mom of three, working full time, scrapbooking, photography, and blogging. I'm having a hard enough time finding time to use the restroom, frankly.

But sadly, I fell for one of those c'mon-everyone's-doing-it-mom-pressure moments.  And I gotta say, you people are evil. I'm completely hooked and I don't have time for this!

But on the positive side, it streamlines what I was already doing by searching online for ideas when it comes to scrapbooking, photography, and the kids' parties. So REALLY, it's saving me time, right?

Hey, stop snickering.

Oh and it's been a little guilty pleasure of mine looking at my Pinterest app while I'm nursing at 3:00 a.m. and I've found myself staying up long after Landry has hit her milk drunk state of mind still looking at the darn thing!

Follow Me on Pinterest

All that to say, I have enough ideas for the kids' birthday parties until they're 21. Justin recently found the website called Let's Build it Again, that gives Lego instructions from the 80s and even further back. I think my husband has every single toy he ever possessed as a child in our attic. Can you say toy hoarder? So the boys have been going nuts building Legos with Daddy.

So I already knew I wanted to do a Lego party for him and then finding bags that looked similar to this got the whole thing going.

Figuring out party favors that weren't going to cost a fortune by buying every kid a Lego set was a dilemma until I found this cute mold on Ebay. Not only did it solve the problem of party favors. It helped solve the problem of what to do with the cake since our infamous cake lady isn't doing birthday cakes anymore. 

Don't worry we did the Lego candies BEFORE we did the Lego crayons. My mother-in-law, Julie, unwrapped probably 100 crayons and we sorted them into like colors and broke them up.  Poor thing is always put on duty when it comes to Nolan's party. Last year, she was rolling out cookies for me while I was at work.

Note to self: DO NOT microwave crayons for 10 minutes like the directions online said.  There WILL be a crayon explosion in your microwave. It was more like five minutes. I microwaved them and then put them in the freezer to help turn them solid.
They turned out SO cool!

Justin took the Lego minifigure he created from the invite and made it into a coloring page. 

And we slapped on a tag that said Thanks for "building" memories with Nolan. We also reminded parents that these were crayons since we had Lego candies on our cupcakes and didn't want any kids munching on crayons.

We packed up our goodies and headed to Let's Jump and the kids were loving it.

Campbell is going through this crazy phase right now with his hair. We discovered that he looked like a mix between Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber and Julius Caesar when he got his hair cut. So we're in a trial and error phase with his hair and we're growing it out. We'll see how it goes. 

So they may not be cake lady worthy but there was a lot of labor and love that went into making these Lego candies for the cupcake toppers.
And I blinked again and just like that, my oldest blew out candles for his 6th birthday. 

Nolan was completely spoiled with enough Legos to keep him preoccupied for the coming months. This boys is really good at following "constructions" (instructions) to put these things together. Wish he would follow my directions as well. 

The kids were all so great and hopefully we gave parents the gift of nap time or at least down time after such an energetic party.

Landry didn't make an appearance to Nolan's party since she was not even 3 weeks old at the time. My mom and sister watched her for us. Bounce house places aren't exactly on the Top 10 of the most sanitary places on the planet. Good thing, because one whole family of five came down with strep along with Nolan for the second time in a month. I'm pretty sure that I might have it too. 

Guess we're building up Landry's immunities REALLY early!
So it's another year come and gone in Nolan's circles of the sun and I'm in disbelief as he launches into his 7th lap. 
Happy Birthday Nolie Polie!


  1. Pinterest is totally addicting!!!!!! I love it!

    The Lego birthday party.....perfect! Legos have been a huge part of my 10 year olds life....I will never let him get rid of them. Hours and hours of fun for sure.

  2. Oh my goodness. How fun! I love it.

  3. Girl, you rock. I think I am going to have to share a few of your posts with Alison of All For The Boys. She highlights various kid's birthday parties from time to time.
