
Friday, August 12, 2011

Campbell's Meet the Teacher

Wow, and just like that summer is over. And when I say summer is over, I mean school is about to start because there is nothing about our weather that is anything BUT summer. Today was Meet the Teacher day at Campbell's school. Our school district provides a development center for teachers in the district. Both Nolan and Campbell were there last year. Now just my little Campbelloni is there because big brother is starting kindergarten...but I won't talk about that just yet. I'm hanging on to every last day of him still be a little boy.

Campbell was of course shy when we first got there and much to our surprise we found out that Nolan's teachers last year are now Campbell's teacher. Nolan was so excited about that. He went up and immediately hugged Ms. Sherry.

 As soon as Campbell walked in his new classroom he was exploring. They had us doing a scavenger hunt finding all the important things in the room. What a cute idea. 

When I asked him to find the bathroom, he did and as I walked in after him, I saw his cute little bottom. I guess he thought I meant to go use the bathroom! 

He was busy checking off his checklist.

Shockingly, Campbell hugged Ms. Sherry and Ms. Ashley goodbye. He's my boy that takes some time to warm up but he warmed right up to them. I think it helped that he knew them from being Nolan's teachers last year.

On our way to the school, he was so excited to see all his friends but he thought he was going to have the same teachers. So we couldn't leave without Cam giving some love to his teachers from last year.

I must say that it's a much easier transition for him this year because he's been there before and he knows all of his friends and he has Nolan's teachers this year.

We are so happy with the Development Center and all that he has learned. Now in a little over a week, Nolan starts kinder. 

9 month pregnant woman with rollercoaster hormones + first child starting kindergarten = an emotional basketcase

At least he'll be at school with me!

1 comment:

  1. That scavenger hunt is such a great idea! My oldest starts pre-k soon so this will be us next week. I am so emotional over it too. I LOVE Nolan's fact, I saw it the other day at a store and almost bought it for my oldest but I didn't think folders would fit in it, and his school wants a backpack that can fit folders :(
    What a cute post! I want to take pictures at our meet the teacher night but maybe that would be too much!? lol I worry people would think I am strange... then I'll have to explain I am a blogger lol
