
Monday, May 16, 2011

Mother's Day

There's no other day out there that makes you feel like more of a rock star than Mother's Day. The homemade cards are something I make sure that I keep. And for one day at least, I know that my amazing husband will handle all arguments, chores, and parental duties. And on a year when I'm pregnant (or any year for that matter), that sounds absolutely fabulous. 

I won't tell you how long it took me to get up from the position of this picture. There were a couple of audible grunts. 

After church, we drove out to my sister's. We had a little potluck and filled our bellies. With all this royal wedding fanfare and it being Kentucky Derby weekend, we wore hats like we were in the Blue Grass state rather than the Lone Star state.


Grandma was loving herself some garden stepping stones and Nolan was proud of his gift.

And even though it was Mother's Day, Granddad even got some love...

One thing that goes without saying on Mother's Day that's an absolute necessity? A nap. You know one of those leave-me-alone-I'm-hibernating naps.

It was a glorious one too.

But the thing that I love most about Mother's Day is the reminder that I'm a mom and would never trade it for anything. I'm so thankful that motherhood has brought be a deeper understanding of my own mother and given me so much in common with my sister.

 And I'm so grateful for being a mother once again and for the first time getting to experience being a mom of a daughter. 

I pray that our relationship is strong and everything that I hope it will be.

1 comment:

  1. What special pictures with your mother and sister :) Looks like you had a great mothers day!
