
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting my craft on

I saw something similar to these buckets on Etsy and there's not much I can say this on when it comes to that website but I thought, "Hey, I can do that."

These are my dollar spot finds from Target that I'm using for Easter buckets. I bought the vinyl and cut it out on my cricut and I thought they turned out pretty cute for being as cheap as they were.


And here's the back side. Oh and in case you're wondering who the "L" bucket is for, it's for Baby Girl! I haven't written her name out on the front yet. I actually need to buy something pink for once! So I guess it's official, we have a name picked out...Landry. We're still working on a middle name but that will come soon enough.


  1. Love love love the buckets and the name! So cute! I am so excited for all of you!!

  2. Cute! For a second I got excited thinking you were going with "Lily" I would love to find someone to give all of Lily's Embroidered things to. I LOVE the name Landry for a girl. :-)

  3. Cute buckets, and I love love love the name Landry! So cute :)
