
Monday, November 1, 2010

Trunk or Treat squared

Remember the days of putting on your costume Halloween night going trick-or-treating THAT night and that pretty much summed up the holiday? Yea, not so much these days. Now by the time Halloween actually rolls around, you're missing parts of your costume, it's filthy with chocolate stains and there are remnants of pixie stick dust found in the tiniest crevices of the seams of your costumes. That's because Halloween has now turned into at least 3 days of festivities especially when it falls on a weekend.

School costume parade...check. Next up? Trunk or Treat at church.

And no I didn't go as a Playboy bunny to church! See my duster? Yep, I was a dust bunny! Don't be jealous that I spent $5 on my costume and won the costume contest for the adults.


Guess who won the costume contest for the toddlers?


But there was so some serious competition.


Guess who DIDN'T win the trunk decorating contest? Hey, we were pretty worn out with all the effort put in to make our costumes. How do you like our "ghost?"


Times like this remind me why I love going to a smaller church. It's one those kind of churches that says, "Hey I missed you last Sunday, hope you're feeling better." But one of the top reasons I love my church? Because who can say that they're minister looks identical to Where's Waldo and who's wife looks like her day job just might actually be a gypsy.


I'm savoring every exhausting minute of this time. It's one of those can-I-bottle-this-up-in-a-jar-and-keep-it-forever moments.

Grand total of times costumes were worn this weekend? Two? Not even close...try FOUR!

Next up? Trunk or Treat at Grandma and Granddad's church, of course!

More candy and in this case, more sweating!


Guess we know why the kids say, "Trick or treat, smell my feet," at least in Texas when it's 83 on Halloween!


Best news this week? Tonya's scans came back and her lungs are clear after 12 long grueling weeks of chemo. Mastectomy is scheduled in a couple of weeks. Praise God!

Ok, if you can stand it, there's one more post for Halloween and then after that I'll stop...well, until next year.


  1. I found your blog a few months ago through "Enjoying the small things" and have been following you ever since but have never commented. I just wanted to say that I'm so happy for your sisters good news and to wish her luck for her Mastectomy. I hope it all goes ok. By the way.. Your kids are gorgeous! Liane x

  2. I love all of your costumes! They are all so creative!

  3. I am so glad to hear about your sister! We will keep praying!

