
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Labor Day Lens

Just in time for the holiday weekend, we got a new toy. Justin's company really emphasizes health and wellness. They have a program full of incentives and they give you "bucks" for every workout, doctor's check-up, etc. So we've been working out and getting all our little health assessments and worked up enough bucks to buy a new camera lens with our bucks. It was like Christmas seeing it on our front porch.

I'm in love. I still have SO much to learn when it comes to our DSLR camera, but I'm getting more confident as I use it. When Justin finally put the camera down, he gave me a chance to play.

And there was definitely opportunity over our three day weekend to use it. We went to the park every single day because that's how we roll when we've been locked up in the house for the months of June, July, and August because of the miserable stinkin' heat. I even told the boys they weren't allowed to play inside, they had to play outside because it was so beautiful. Seriously, how frightening is it to hear your own mother's voice when you're talking to your own children?


Sunny days + happy children+ family time = bliss

For the first time this weekend, I could actually taste fall. And, it tasted awesome.


I'm not sure if it was the new lens or their undeniable cuteness but my boys were working that camera crazy. I couldn't get a bad shot. Gotta love those days because they are few and far between. Normally, for every 100 photos I take, I might get 10 decent ones.


The more pictures I take, the more it fuels my addiction. I don't care if I don't have enough walls to possibly display the pictures or even enough memory on my computer. In these moments, photos are the next closest thing I can do to bottle them up and keep them forever.


And this is just the beginning of our weekend. Stay tuned for more. I told ya it was an addiction.

1 comment:

  1. Can't see the white background to read the text on your blog. Hmm? Great pics though!
