
Saturday, July 3, 2010


Schedules. It's a love/hate relationship I have. Schedules saved me during those rough newborn days when I needed my sanity. Other times, I feel like I'm a slave to them and can't do anything when we want. We recently had one of those nights where we totally threw the "schedule" out the window. I'm getting really bad at that this summer…bedtime, schmedtime.

Justin was mowing the yard and I was really craving a milkshake. So I packed up the boys and in perfect timing, Justin was done right when we pulled up. We had a little milkshake picnic right there in our front yard. That suddenly lead to bike and tricycle rides and in Texas in the summer, it's pretty amazing if you can stand to be outside for more than 5 minutes. Granted it was nearly 8:00 at night but it was actually pleasant!

But nights like this make me think that I'm ok not being on a schedule…

Did you notice I'm having a blast with my new photo editing classes? Some of these are compliments of Pioneer Woman and her photo editing tricks. I'm having too much fun!

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