
Thursday, June 17, 2010


This past Sunday we went to my parents' church. It's the oldest church in Fort Worth and has an amazing sanctuary. My sister's youngest, Avery, was baptized and we were all there to see it. Since it's such an old church, it has a very interesting baptistery and it's in the ground. It's hard for the rest of the congregation to see baptism unless you're in the balcony or right in front...which of course, we were.

My oldest niece, Madison, used to call it being "bath-tized" when she was younger so we were all celebrating that Avery was "bathtized." Avery was born shortly after Justin and I started dating and it's so hard to believe that she's nearly 10.

Avery with my parents
with the whole fam

Afterwards, we went out for a kid friendly lunch and I'd say that Campbell was a big fan of the dessert my mom brought.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I love that restaurant too, can't remember the name of it right now but we went there with our friends when we were in town!!
