
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Zoo crew

It's been ages since we actually did this, but I wanted to at least show our visit to the zoo. Nolan's BFF at school, Cooper, had a birthday party at the zoo. What a great idea. They brought in an opossum, a parrot, alligator and the cutest little penguin that I wanted to snuggle. Nolan was smiling ear to ear.
 We were really looking forward to it being a family event but the night before Campbell's tummy was a rumblin' and we had diaper changes about every 15 minutes. So we decided that we'd have to make it just a mommy-and-me zoo trip this time.
Nolan has been battling allergies this spring (like his daddy) and was sniffling. So I gave him some Benadryl before we went.  I was a little bummed that he wasn't more excited about the zoo. He just stared at the animals and was like "so what." I gave him my best "we're here and you're going to like it," speech and then he said, "I'm just really tired mommy." Poor thing was practically falling asleep at the zoo. He was so drugged from the Benadryl.

We got to see the new MOLA (Museum of Living Art) and it was so awesome. Too bad at this point we were doing the 4 year old walk-thru because he was crashing and burning. I really want to go back just to see this!
Of course the battery died and so I had to take almost all of the photos with my point and shoot camera so sorry for the bad photos. Nolan's favorite part of the zoo? The giraffes or elephants, right? Nope, the carousel. time I'll just make sure we bring lots of kleenex and not give him Benadryl.

1 comment:

  1. We love taking the kids to the zoo! It's always such a fun time!
