
Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break, here we come!

It's just about the time of year where I get really worn out at work. The drill and kill time of TAKS testing looming, body changes of 5th graders and a big case of "I don't wanna" send me looking for the nearest crazy house. But then someone hears my plea, and it's SPRING BREAK! Talk about an answer to a prayer. Don't get me wrong, I love my students and love feeling a sense of purpose with my job, but everyone needs a break, right?

Well it's only three days in and we're not wasting a second of our Spring Break. First of all for those of you not in Texas, we're having the most incredible weather here. It's absolutely perfect after such a "cold" winter...well, at least for us, that is! Saturday we had a much needed garage sale. I must say it was the funnest garage sale we've ever had. Usually those things are just a beat down. My parents came over and my dad took Nolan for a bike ride, Campbell just played and played outside and we made some pretty good money...can't beat that! Next we went to Nolan's soccer game and he played the best he's ever played. I only had to tell him "WRONG WAY!" once!

On Sunday after church and naps for the boys we went to the mall to get some "eyes" (sunglasses) for Campbell. We happened to see the Easter Bunny. Nolan loved has he come a long way in a couple of years. He used to be terrified of him. Campbell, on the other hand, has traded places and is not a fan. That's the bad thing about the Easter Bunny and Santa...just as one of your kids gets over their fear, the next one is terrified of them!

Today we went to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. It's been closed for a long time for remodeling and it was well worth it because it is incredible. The boys loved it and every time we left a room, Campbell would throw a fit a scream, "NO!" because he wanted to stay. We went ahead a bought memberships and I'm so glad we did. I really think we're going to get really good use out of it, especially this summer.
Nolan playing with the trains
Our little Bob the Builder
Balancing act...notice the tongue helping him get his balance
playing in the water play outside
seriously, could he be any cuter?
We ran into some friends at the museum and love Campbell's face in this one
Ok so this isn't the best picture of Nolan but laughed out loud when I saw the kid in the background once I downloaded the pictures...BOYS!
Who knew water could be so fun?

Nolan on the huge tinker toy
You know it was a good time when this is what he looks like in the car

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