Here they are...our family pictures. They are loooooooooong overdue. We haven't had any taken since Campbell was one month old. Wow, have they changed, Campbell being the most obvious, of course! My very dear friend, Beth, had her precious daughter's pictures taken back when she was in town in December at her grandmother's house and I just loved them. She lives in this adorable quaint neighborhood with beautiful lush trees and her backyard looks like something out of Cottage Living. Since I've known Beth since 5th grade church camp and know her family very well, I asked "Gramma" (as we say it) if she wouldn't mind if we used her yard. She was the best ever. She made cookies (which Nolan probably sneaked in about 10) and was such a gracious host. It was wonderful having a place for the boys to change, go play and even take a break for a snack.
Beth's sister-in-law's mother, Kim Martin (how is that for confusing?), is "just learning" as she puts it, but she is so talented (and humble). She is by far the most patient woman I've met after dealing with ridiculous 30 mph winds and a very stubborn and insistent toddler. Nolan was amazing. It's like he's had a camera in his face his entire life or something?! She even took a couple of shots of Justin and me. We haven't had any done since our engagement and wedding pictures! How sad is that?
I was scared with the wind that they would be disastrous, but I love them and they are extra special that they were taken at a dear friend's home where I had my bridal luncheon. I will treasure these photos always...wind, tantrums and all! Thank you Kim for making wonderful memories to keep forever! Kim keeps adding more photos to her blog so keep checking back.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Straight shooter
Today was picture day....all day. First, we had soccer team pictures in the morning and family pictures this evening. Nolan and I went to do soccer pictures before his game and it was the biggest disappointment. I know I'm not a photographer, but I swear I could have taken better pictures with my point-and-shoot camera. First off, they had every child facing the sun and either they were crying (not fussing but literally eyes watering) or they looked like they were half asleep because they were so blinded. I don't think I would have minded so much, but the photographer kept getting frustrated with the kids which irritated me. I'm thinking, "Wrong line of business lady if you're getting impatient with children and you take pictures of CHILDREN!" But then I remembered that I get frustrated daily with my students and I'm a teacher. Hey pot calling the kettle black...but I digress.
I happened to bring my camera. Look at these pictures! Seriously, aren't you feeling so sorry for these poor kids?! The only kid looking is Nolan's teammate who wears prescription sunglasses! Luckily a teammate showed up late so we had to do a retake and they moved them to where they were somewhat facing the sun. These should be very interesting to post later when we finally get them in.
Next was the game. I have to be so careful. You see I was very involved in sports growing up and in high school and was very competitive. So I have to put my "be aggressive" side in my back pocket so I don't become one of those screaming fanatic parents at my child's sports games. So I gave Nolan a little pep talk before the game and said, "Ok today's the day. Let's shoot to make a goal." Well, apparently he was really listening. He got sooooooooo close twice but remember I said that he's a straight shooter so he missed it by just a few inches because the goal wasn't right in front of him.
Towards the end of the game, the ref blew a whistle and the ball was dead but apparently my little MVP didn't hear anything and was on a mission. He was in a zone and just kicked that ball as hard as he could down the field. I guess he didn't notice that there wasn't anyone following him. Then he "scored!" I wish I had a picture of his face. It was absolutely priceless. I've never seen him more proud of himself. I couldn't break his heart and tell him that the goal didn't count. He just kept screaming, "I SCORED! I SCORED A GOAL!" I just ran and gave him a hug and told him how proud of him I was.
That small thing made me realize how much he wants to please me. It warmed my heart and broke it all at the same time. I felt a tinge of guilt that maybe I put too much pressure on him but then I realized that I think it's in all of us to please our parents. Lord knows he got that gene from me. There was nothing worse than disappointing my parents.
So what if his only two goals were once for the other team and once when the ball was dead. I'm still so proud of him. I'm telling you this soccer thing is really growing on me.
I happened to bring my camera. Look at these pictures! Seriously, aren't you feeling so sorry for these poor kids?! The only kid looking is Nolan's teammate who wears prescription sunglasses! Luckily a teammate showed up late so we had to do a retake and they moved them to where they were somewhat facing the sun. These should be very interesting to post later when we finally get them in.
Next was the game. I have to be so careful. You see I was very involved in sports growing up and in high school and was very competitive. So I have to put my "be aggressive" side in my back pocket so I don't become one of those screaming fanatic parents at my child's sports games. So I gave Nolan a little pep talk before the game and said, "Ok today's the day. Let's shoot to make a goal." Well, apparently he was really listening. He got sooooooooo close twice but remember I said that he's a straight shooter so he missed it by just a few inches because the goal wasn't right in front of him.
Towards the end of the game, the ref blew a whistle and the ball was dead but apparently my little MVP didn't hear anything and was on a mission. He was in a zone and just kicked that ball as hard as he could down the field. I guess he didn't notice that there wasn't anyone following him. Then he "scored!" I wish I had a picture of his face. It was absolutely priceless. I've never seen him more proud of himself. I couldn't break his heart and tell him that the goal didn't count. He just kept screaming, "I SCORED! I SCORED A GOAL!" I just ran and gave him a hug and told him how proud of him I was.
That small thing made me realize how much he wants to please me. It warmed my heart and broke it all at the same time. I felt a tinge of guilt that maybe I put too much pressure on him but then I realized that I think it's in all of us to please our parents. Lord knows he got that gene from me. There was nothing worse than disappointing my parents.
So what if his only two goals were once for the other team and once when the ball was dead. I'm still so proud of him. I'm telling you this soccer thing is really growing on me.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I've got some explaining to do
Ok, you're probably wondering what I'm doing switching my blog around every day. When this blog started almost two years ago (wow, really?), it really was a way to tell about the boys and show off their undeniable cuteness. Can I get an amen? But the more I wrote, the more I really got into it. I realized that this really is my therapy some days and the only way I can get through my life is to laugh at it! If it's not my boys making me laugh, it's a situation that is so terrible that I can only laugh at it. Anyone remember my Central Market story?
As my minister once said, the best sermon out there is to hear, "Me too!" We just want to hear from other moms, that yes, it's completely normal to want to lock yourself in a closet some days. We all just want to be validated. Oops, there goes my educator side slipping out again. I started daydreaming about it and thinking maybe I should try and make more of this! So maybe wanting to be the next "Dooce" is a little big, but hey we can all dream a little, right?!
I began doing some research online and I've found some really amazing sites that both inspire me and make me feel COMPLETELY inadequate. Blogging for dummies doesn't even cover it for me. Is there something like blogging for idiots...that's more my style.
I recently came across a blog that I'm in love by Amanda and maybe I love it so much because she's into all the things that I am...which automatically makes her cool. Although by looking at everything she's into, I think she might live on Red Bull with all her talents she can fit in. Again...feeling inadequate. She was so gracious and gave me some tips to implement but trying to fit it all between being a full time mom, full time teacher and church is the problem. I'm lucky to find time to write a post, much less "spice" up my blog.
So I'm taking baby steps (and I mean baby). I'm adding more features, personalization, and just trying new things that I think entice new readers. So spread the word, at least you can promise a good laugh! Look for some changes as I figure this thing out.
As my minister once said, the best sermon out there is to hear, "Me too!" We just want to hear from other moms, that yes, it's completely normal to want to lock yourself in a closet some days. We all just want to be validated. Oops, there goes my educator side slipping out again. I started daydreaming about it and thinking maybe I should try and make more of this! So maybe wanting to be the next "Dooce" is a little big, but hey we can all dream a little, right?!
I began doing some research online and I've found some really amazing sites that both inspire me and make me feel COMPLETELY inadequate. Blogging for dummies doesn't even cover it for me. Is there something like blogging for idiots...that's more my style.
I recently came across a blog that I'm in love by Amanda and maybe I love it so much because she's into all the things that I am...which automatically makes her cool. Although by looking at everything she's into, I think she might live on Red Bull with all her talents she can fit in. Again...feeling inadequate. She was so gracious and gave me some tips to implement but trying to fit it all between being a full time mom, full time teacher and church is the problem. I'm lucky to find time to write a post, much less "spice" up my blog.
So I'm taking baby steps (and I mean baby). I'm adding more features, personalization, and just trying new things that I think entice new readers. So spread the word, at least you can promise a good laugh! Look for some changes as I figure this thing out.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Spring Scrappin' Break
About five years ago, a co-worker of mine made me a scrapbook for Nolan's first year. I really enjoyed putting in the pictures and then once his first year was finished, I wanted to do more. So I went with a friend one night and made fun of the other ladies who had suitcases and backed in their suburbans to come scrapbooking. I called them "super scrappers" and told her never let me become "one of them."
Well, fast forward four years later and I think I'm a self-proclaimed super scrapper. I've really gotten into it and my high school girlfriends and a few others do it too so we use it as an excuse to get together. We used to get together about once a month at a place called Recollections but it's closed so now we're going to long weekend scrapbook adventures and having a blast doing it. My next one is in July at Memory Lane Inn. Check it's amazing! Scrapbooking until crazy hours of the night, a chef that cooks our meals and no kids! You know I love them but that long weekend during the summer after being with them all day everyday is going to be a little piece of heaven. I'm doing a countdown already! We make fun of ourselves and say that we're on "scrap crack."
For Christmas, Justin bought me a software called Sure Cuts a Lot and I'm in love. In scrapbook nerd land that just means a software that allows you to choose a million different fonts, files to use for your scrapbooking. My Cricut has been smokin' this Spring Break. I only got 5 spreads done but considering everything else we fit in this week, I feel proud that I got that much done! We turned our dining room into an office/scrapbook room. Stay tuned for pictures, we're still putting the finishing touches on the room.
Well, fast forward four years later and I think I'm a self-proclaimed super scrapper. I've really gotten into it and my high school girlfriends and a few others do it too so we use it as an excuse to get together. We used to get together about once a month at a place called Recollections but it's closed so now we're going to long weekend scrapbook adventures and having a blast doing it. My next one is in July at Memory Lane Inn. Check it's amazing! Scrapbooking until crazy hours of the night, a chef that cooks our meals and no kids! You know I love them but that long weekend during the summer after being with them all day everyday is going to be a little piece of heaven. I'm doing a countdown already! We make fun of ourselves and say that we're on "scrap crack."
For Christmas, Justin bought me a software called Sure Cuts a Lot and I'm in love. In scrapbook nerd land that just means a software that allows you to choose a million different fonts, files to use for your scrapbooking. My Cricut has been smokin' this Spring Break. I only got 5 spreads done but considering everything else we fit in this week, I feel proud that I got that much done! We turned our dining room into an office/scrapbook room. Stay tuned for pictures, we're still putting the finishing touches on the room.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I've got the need for weeds!
When we got back from Weatherford, it was WELL past the boys nap time, but it was still such a beautiful day, that I didn't want to waste it. So I told the boys they could play in the backyard for a few minutes. Well, they got a hold of our weeds. Guess it's a good thing that we're such slackers because they turned out to be great pictures!
I ran and grabbed the camera. My husband, Justin, is the photographer and was at work so I was very scared about having to change lenses and taking some shots on my own, but I must say that for an amateur, I thought they turned out pretty good! I'm trying to get Justin to teach me some skills on Photoshop, but he's so crazy good at it (he's a graphic artist) that I don't think he can dumb himself down enough to teach me. I'm looking for photo editing for dummies.
Nolan helped spread more weeds by blowing the heck out out the dandelions in our yard. I tried to tell Campbell to do the same, but he just kept eating them when I told him to blow them. Nothing like the taste of fresh weeds!

I ran and grabbed the camera. My husband, Justin, is the photographer and was at work so I was very scared about having to change lenses and taking some shots on my own, but I must say that for an amateur, I thought they turned out pretty good! I'm trying to get Justin to teach me some skills on Photoshop, but he's so crazy good at it (he's a graphic artist) that I don't think he can dumb himself down enough to teach me. I'm looking for photo editing for dummies.
Nolan helped spread more weeds by blowing the heck out out the dandelions in our yard. I tried to tell Campbell to do the same, but he just kept eating them when I told him to blow them. Nothing like the taste of fresh weeds!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Top of the mornin' to ya
We put on our green for St. Patrick's and headed out to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL day outside...or as my mother-in-law says a "Camelot" day. We went to Weatherford to eat on the square and do some fun boutique shopping. Before we left Nolan took a picture of Campbell and me in our green attire. Pardon the EXTREME close up but now you know why. You can see my arm in the picture trying to push Nolan back.
Next we were on to Weatherford. The great thing is that since my parents and I work for the same district we have off at the same time and get to do fun things together. We met my parents mid point so we could caravan together. We took the "scenic" route...not on purpose, but my iphone sure did come in the map app. Otherwise, I still might be driving looking for that place. We met my sister and my nieces at a tiny sandwich shop on the square with homemade bread...yummm. We did a little shopping and finished up at the Farmer's Market. It was fun and the boys loved it. It was much better than last July when we went for the Peach Festival when it was 106 degrees outside. I just love small old Texas towns with their town squares and courthouses.

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