
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Not so pearly whites...

About two weeks ago Nolan and another kid somehow ran into each other at school. His teacher said that he cried about how his teeth hurt off and on all day. I immediately start thinking that he's over-reacting because he can tend to do that but then I noticed that he hardly ate anything for dinner. The next couple of days he complained about his teeth hurting and finally after about three days, he said his teeth felt all better so I just blew it off.

Well, last Wednesday I noticed that his front tooth looked a little discolored so I made a dentist appt to make sure that it was ok. It just kept getting worse and worse so they squeezed us in yesterday. The good news is that his tooth isn't dead. The bad news is his tooth is bruised...I didn't even know that was possible. It's going to take one, two, maybe even six months before it goes back to normal. And even then, it may not go back to normal completely. Poor thing... everyone is going to think I'm letting him walk around with a cavity and that I give him buckets full of candy. And we have family pictures at the end of March. Thank goodness for Photoshop! It's so vain that I'm even talking about it.

Have you ever seen an x-ray for a kid with baby teeth? It's the craziest thing! It shows their permanent teeth (behind their nose) and how they will come in. His second teeth are turned 90 degrees. I asked him what that meant. He said we'll be visiting an orthodontist when he's about 7 for phase one of braces. AGH! I was surprised since Justin nor I had braces. The dentist said we could thank a grandparent! We've been really fortunate that both boys have had beautiful teeth but looks like our honeymoon might be over.

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