
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Good times

Tonight started out kinda rough. I was busy upstairs putting Campbell's fall clothes out and putting summer stuff up. Meanwhile, I could hear Justin getting a little flustered with the boys downstairs. Campbell was splashing in the dog's water bowl obsessively and Nolan managed to not turn on the bathroom light and peed on the floor and dropped his dragonfly ring from church in the toilet. Good times.

So Justin and I got in our "mission mode" and got down to business. Bath time, story time, bed time in record time. Well, Nolan saw that Campbell had on his doggy jammies and he wanted to look just like him. So after he got on his jammies, he wanted to read the book to Campbell. It was the sweetest thing in the world seeing them snuggle and Nolan "reading" to him. He knows about 20-30 sight words but he has this book memorized since he was 2. My favorite part is when Nolan says, "I'm ready for some fun," and Campbell nods his head like yep you better believe it.

Oh, it seems like they do their cutest stuff right after we're the most flustered. God has perfect timing.

1 comment:

  1. God is amazing, isn't He? Campbell is really coming into his own. Your kiddos are so funny & cute!
