
Friday, July 10, 2009

Fort Worth Fourth

I'm just now getting around to getting our 4th of July pictures posted. I have no excuse...I'm not even working right now! We had a great time. My sister, Tonya, and her girls came over to swim. Then we grilled out (what is the 4th without grilling out?) and headed downtown to see the fireworks.

We were really excited about seeing the fireworks this year. We haven't seen them in like 4 years. We have the WORST luck trying to see them. Last year, Campbell was a newborn and had jaundice and was on phototherapy. So we sent Nolan with my family as he "watched" the fireworks with his face buried in my brother's neck. The year before that we went to our usual spot to watch them only for 10:00 to come, then fireworks. So we were really pumped about seeing them this year.

We loaded up the car and headed to "Fort Worth Fourth" where they promised awesome fireworks after the FW Cats game. There were people everywhere outside the ball field ready to watch this show. The kids were doing pop-its and we were eating the delicious homemade ice cream my dad made. Everything was going well.

WARNING: Don't take children to watch fireworks where you have no idea what time frame you're looking at. My kids took a really late nap and were actually fantastic. I think it was me that was having the meltdown. Something about the sticky heat does it to me. I start acting like a 5 year old. We just kept waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Finally I called my friend Anna to find out what inning they were in. They were in the 9th! Thank goodness, it was 10:00 and we had been there since almost 8:00. She calls back...they tied it up and it went into extra innings. Hey thanks Fort Worth Cats...that's exactly what everyone is out here waiting for is for y'all to make the game LONGER!

Nolan was so adorable. He said, "C'mon light up your lights fireworks!" Sometimes he would call them "crackerfighters." He was such a trooper and so was Campbell even with his sweaty curls. Finally at about 10:20 we decided that this could go on all night. Good thing we left! Turns out the game went to 13 innings!!! No, I'm not kidding and they didn't do fireworks until close to midnight! Who shows fireworks that late? I personally can hardly stay up to that hour. So I have renamed Fort Worth Fourth more appropriately to Fort Worth Flop. I should have warned everyone that if it was our idea, it was going to be a bad one! Guess we'll just have to wait until next year....(sigh)!

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