
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Every year we go and pick out a pumpkin at a pumpkin patch. We normally go to a church right across the street from our church. Well this year we had to find a new pumpkin patch because it wasn't open. So I searched online and found one in Arlington at a park and talked my parents into coming along (always good for backup with the boys). So everyone looks all cute in their fall outfits and we take a 40 min drive to go get a pumpkin. Once we get there, apparently the website I looked at must have been old because the only thing we found was a greyhound party (yes people with greyhounds apparently have parties) and a baby shower. Thankfully an angel with an iphone hooked us up and found another pumpkin patch online and gave us directions. So back in the car for another 30 minute drive to south Arlington to find this place. Nolan is really getting impatient and wants to know where these pumpkins are that we keep talking about and Campbell is getting pretty testy because of all the stop lights...he prefers only highway driving. AND Justin is almost to his point of no return when it comes to grumpiness because he's hungry. I swear, I have to make sure that all three boys are happy and have eaten before we take any family excursion or any one of them could have a meltdown at any point.

So as I'm driving in Arlington trying to find this stinkin' pumpkin patch, I just start laughing out loud. Justin does too. It was one of those moments where all you could do was laugh. Justin and I have a saying that we've used all too often...FORCED FAMILY FUN. That pretty much sums it up. Thankfully, he's such a good sport about it. We finally get there and it was actually a blessing that we were all over the place because by the time we got there the weather was absolutely perfect and the lighting was amazing. Nolan loved the pumpkins. We're having to reinforce that they're not balls and aren't to be thrown. I can see pumpkin smashing in his teenage future. Here are a few of my favorites and the rest are on Snapfish.

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