
Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Nolan!

Where has 3 years gone? I remember delivering him like it was yesterday and not believing that they were letting us take a baby home when we had no idea what we were doing. I remember the sleepless nights, back when he would eat any food I put in front of him then 2 years he refused to eat anything but snacks (now we're eating MUCH better), remember crying when I left him at daycare for the first time, getting so excited for all those milestones, and all the rocking and singing and giggling. I guess the fact that it goes by so fast is a testament to how much fun we're having. I even remember wanting to return him for a refund when he was 15 months. All the good outweighs the bad by a landslide. In honor of my big "baby" boy, I wanted to reminisce with a few of my all time favorite videos. Being a parent is the hardest job I've ever had in my life but no one prepared me for how much fun and how much joy I was going to experience too. I've never smiled or laughed so hard in my life as I have these past three years. I just pray that Nolan will know just how insanely crazy I am about him. Thank you God for I am truly blessed.


  1. I think that you have a serious dancer on your hands! Those videos were cute!

  2. oh my gosh--I am crying I am laughing so hard :) he is hilarious :) just think of all the "Blackmail" you will have on Campbell?? :) he he--they are both beautiful babies and you guys TRULY are blessed :) 3 years is a milestone for YOU both as parents, as well :) congrats :) hang in there for round 2 :)
