
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Family photo shoot

Photography by Chelsea Yankie

We just got our proofs for our family portrait pictures. We drove to Stephenville (about an hour and a half outside Fort Worth) in 106 degree heat. Luckily, it cooled down some by the evening. We were pretty nervous about how they were going to turn out since Nolan isn't much into posing anymore these days or if he does you're not sure if he's smiling or straining with a stomachache. But we're very pleased with how they turned out and I think we'll look back at these pictures in a few months and just wonder how our boys could have changed so much in such a short amount of time.


  1. I have chills!! Those are the best pictures! We are definitely going to her to have our family photos take in January!

  2. Your photos are so cute! You will treasure those for a long time to come...

  3. Adorable photos! Your photographer did a great job, and the slideshow (and song!) is a nice touch. :)

    Also love the new header on your blog!
