
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Making lemons out of lemonade

It's no secret of mine that my least favorite season in Texas is the summer. It's miserable. I'm talking I need a shower after checking the mail at the curb.

I think my true hatred of summer was official after two of my 3 kids were born in September. Having to make it through the brutal summer with double cankles and toes that resembled plump sausages has me a little bitter still.

So when I began my journey into photography full time officially in June, I knew that I needed to come up with a mini session that would be short and sweet because of the heat but would scream summer.

Here's a little video of my little sunshines.

I made lemons out of lemonade and dreamed of doing lemonade stand minis. My friend, Kelly, just replaced her fence and had a yard full of old fence wood that was perfect for the job. Justin amazed me so much by building this stand. It was exactly as I envisioned and I am so so thrilled with how it turned out.

These flowers are actually weeds but perfect for the location and with the sun coming through, it almost made me forget that we were doing a session in 100 degree heat. What you can't tell, is that this field is pretty much in the ghetto, but hey, it works.

We decided at the last minute to do these with my family and I did a trial run first before I did sessions with clients. It's a good thing, I realized which props needed some tweaking and used an inhumane amount of hot glue, super glue and velcro.


And wouldn't you know in complete Forced Family Fun fashion that after our session was done, what doesn't start? My car. It's really dead. Fortunate for us we had a guy who was riding his bike introducing himself that he was straight out of prison ready to help us. Say what? That was a little frightening to say the least.

Luckily, even in the ghetto, you can get a jump and be on your way soon. How is it that our car batteries die at the worst times i.e. bring Landry home from the hospital.

I joked that God was smiling down on me on catching this pic. There is NO head swapping on this pic. Even with props blowing all over this field and the car battery dying. It was worth every single second.