
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pregnancy video of Campbell

I'm finally getting around to uploading this video along with my pregnancy progress. All in all, I can't complain too much about my pregnancy with Campbell. I didn't have "cankles" (as I lovingly refer to them) like I did with Nolan. That being said, I sure am a lot more comfortable now!

Monday, July 28, 2008

1 month old!

I'm trying to figure out if I've been in a time machine or something because I can't believe that Campbell is seriously a month old already. I feel like a grandma catching myself say "it's going by so fast." But there is something to that grandma wisdom, it's so true. I think with Nolan I almost wished his newborn days away because I kept thinking "I can't wait until he sleeps through the night" or "I can't wait until he crawls". Don't get me wrong, a toddler who sleeps 12 hours a night definitely has its perks but now I miss holding him like I hold Campbell. With second children, I think you take the time to cherish things a little more because you really do see how everything is just a phase and every moment is so precious-even the not-so-great moments.
Campbell-1 month old

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Outdoor Fun

So for those of you who don't live in Texas, it's hotter than Hades here. Seriously, we're breaking records down here. Walking to check the mail involves a water break. So it's extremely hard to keep a 2 year old entertained in the house for that long. I'm not brave enough to take him swimming with a newborn in tow yet. So we've resorted to going outside after dinnertime and hiding in the shade. Campbell just camps out on the blanket while we play with Nolan and loves it! Here's a few shots of our outdoor "adventures".

This is one of my absolute favorites of Nolan. I couldn't have tried to capture the bubble around his eye if I tried! Just got lucky! Should be a commercial for bubbles or something, don't you think?
This so perfectly pictures how great of a big brother Nolan has been. He just loves when Campbell looks at him and likes to show off when he's looking.

All three of my boys...I'm SO outnumbered.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Campbell's nursery

We did things a little out of order this time. The nursery is officially done! With Nolan it was done two months before he arrived. I guess it really is true about second run out of time! I don't know what I'd do without my very gifted and talented husband and mother when it comes to this nursery. Justin painted, painted and painted and my mom's sewing machine was smoking she was working so hard. But all the hard work and effort paid off. I think it's pretty darn cute and it's so special because we were able to incorporate family pictures...including a 100 year old photo of Campbell's great-great-grandfather playing baseball. I hope that this room will continue to grow with him since we worked so hard on it!

Campbell Allen McDonald
June 28, 2008
3:14 p.m.
8 lbs. 1 oz.
19 1/4 inches

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Family of Four

We're officially a family of four! Wow, it's hard to believe that here we are 6 years later with two beautiful boys. Our newest addition, Campbell Allen McDonald, made his appearance in this world on June 28, 2008. We're adjusting to our new "normal". The newborn part seems to be a lot easier the second time around. The hard part now is having TWO! One might be screaming to be be fed and the other is screaming he needs to go potty. Once the chaos dies down each night, we put our heads on our pillows knowing that we are truly blessed so it helps during those high blood pressure moments. Campbell reminds us so much of Nolan at this stage. We keep getting out the pictures and just shaking our heads with the resemblance. I'm ok with having another boy that is just as adorable as his older brother. I'm anxious to see if they'll continue to look like one another and what Campbell's personality will be like. I hear that your second one is totally different than your first. That makes me nervous since Nolan is such a great sleeper but that also means Campbell better eat anything I put in front of him after two years of having the pickiest eater known to toddlers! Nolan is the most amazing big brother. We could not have asked for things to go smoother in the way he's accepted Campbell into our family. From drawing him pictures, to making sure he's covered up and to giving him his pacifier when Campbell is fussy. I hope that his nurturing side continues and it just warms my heart to know that he is so caring.