So for those of you who don't live in Texas, it's hotter than Hades here. Seriously, we're breaking records down here. Walking to check the mail involves a water break. So it's extremely hard to keep a 2 year old entertained in the house for that long. I'm not brave enough to take him swimming with a newborn in tow yet. So we've resorted to going outside after dinnertime and hiding in the shade. Campbell just camps out on the blanket while we play with Nolan and loves it! Here's a few shots of our outdoor "adventures".

This is one of my absolute favorites of Nolan. I couldn't have tried to capture the bubble around his eye if I tried! Just got lucky! Should be a commercial for bubbles or something, don't you think?

This so perfectly pictures how great of a big brother Nolan has been. He just loves when Campbell looks at him and likes to show off when he's looking.

All three of my boys...I'm SO outnumbered.